A recent project required powerful yet simple G11n support in AngularJS. It had to be lightweight, easy to use, and to support switching locale on the fly. We also needed to be able to export to and import from CSV so that our client’s translators could quickly and easily add new languages and update existing ones.

angular-g11n on github

angular-g11n has the following features:

  • Set up in minutes
  • Extremely simple JSON format
  • AngularJS service accessible from JavaScript code
  • Filter accessible from templates
  • Interpolation (e.g. “Hello {{ name }}” can output “Hello Dave”
  • Can respond to empty, singular and plural cases (e.g. “no messages”, “one message”, “40 messages”)
  • Export to and import from CSV
  • On-the-fly language switching
  • Complete sample implementation
  • You can access G11n from code as well as from the template. So, if you needed to translate something in a service or controller, that's no problem - with angular-g11n!

Sounds good? Head on over to github.com/uor/angular-g11n and check it out!